Registration starts February 5, 2025 for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten for 2025-2026 school year

Patton Students Show Off Their Talent

Patton Receives Honor Roll School Award

Patton is Named a 2018 California Distinguished School!

Patton Masterpieces Teach Skills and Creativity
Principal's Message

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. I am excited to serve as the principal of Patton Elementary School, work alongside our community, and the entire Patton team! I have proudly worked in public education for the past 28 years. I am now beginning my 19th school year as an elementary school principal in the Garden Grove Unified School District. My multicultural background has always helped provide me with the insight into the challenges and strengths that our culturally diverse families bring to our schools.
Patton Elementary has a strong school and family partnership. This connection will always result in the most positive outcomes for all of our scholars. We are also so fortunate to have an amazing PTA at Patton! Our PTA supports all scholars through field trips, assemblies, technology and so much more!
I’m excited to begin this new school year and I look forward to meeting all of our families and scholars! Please know our school is always here to support you and please reach out if you need anything
Kai Chang Principal
Our School
Salutations Patriots!
Welcome to Patton Elementary, where we offer general education classes, special education classes, and the GATE program for all of our 985 students! What makes us unique is that despite being a large school, everyone takes the time to build relationships among our students and community. We have a welcoming and positive climate here at Patton. We also expand our curriculum through activities such as Colonial Day, Greek Games, Egypt Day, and Snow Day to provide hands-on learning opportunities for students.
Our PTA is very active around campus and our safe community. Parents are given the choices between volunteering in the classroom or assisting the PTA as a whole. Participating parents put on the following:
Talent Show
Book Fairs
Candy Cane Corner
Family Nights which include Movie Nights and Paint Nights
Skate Night
funding all field trips and three assemblies during the school year
Our PTA strives to coordinate fun and academically enriching events throughout the year for each and every student. Their constant participation evokes student attendance to all events in our big community of Patriots. Thank you, parents!
Here at Patton, we pride ourselves on the fact that we are a California Distinguished School. We would like to thank our teachers, students, staff and parents for maintaining a positive class climate full of participation, communication, and civic engagement. Patton students strive to succeed every day of the school year. We are proud of our accomplishments and hope to continue our success this year.
For questions or comments, pay us a visit at our front office. Good luck Patriots!